Scene 88
Boarding tube extends to passenger module. Blue sky.
Can we get dramatic angle?
The shot doesn't show the boarding tube at all.
Scene 93A
Eagle heads away from Alpha.
Filmed shot is reverse direction to the storyboard art. Repeated in scene 157, when Koenig sets out in the new corrosion proof Eagle.
Scene 94
The expeditionary Eagle flies towards a distant cloud bank just above the lunar surface.
Rain or storm clouds. Lunar surface optional.
Filmed with same sky backdrop as 93A, and the clouds are not especially ominous. One SFX scene was deleted, scene 100, which is Morrow's P.O.V. of a billowing hammerhead cumulo-nimbus cloud (the script uses these accurate technical terms).
Scene 98
Sc.102 - 104 - 107 - 109
A series of shots of the Eagle be buffeted some with lightning flashes.
Passing cloud and swirling mist.
A number of storm shots, all using the 22 inch Eagle.
Scene 111
The Eagle plummets thru cloud into swirling lunar dust.
The crash presumably one shot. Dust swirling over wreck as fade out of act.
The script has the crash in 2 scenes, 111 and 112, but the comment here is considering a single shot. They actually used 2, the first hitting the dust bank, and the second ploughing into deep dust.
Scene 112
Perhaps add V.L.S. from above
Eagle crash lands on the lunar surface. A dust storm rages over the wreck.
The second part of the crash has lots more dust.
Scene 115
Dust storm rages. Dust drifting up and over the side
Most Eagle parts totally covered. See also 118.
In the script, scene 115 is the start of act 3, but in the final edit it's the last shot of act 2, with the fade to black. It is repeated as scene 118, after all the search Eagles are launched from Alpha.