The Catacombs Production Guide
Storyboards The Last Sunset

Scene 181
"Missile" on the outside of Alpha moves and ruses from the dust. Blue sky.

Shown as a "burn-in" on the Main Mission Big Screen

The Last Sunset

Scene 181A
"Missile" rises above Alpha + stops.
A beam of light shine down on Main Mission

The Last Sunset

Scene 181B
The beam of light fades "Missile" rises up and blue sky changes to lunar sky
Cannot be lun[ar] sur[face]

The Last Sunset

Scene 182
"Missile" heads towards the planet "Ariel" and merges into it

Not seen.

Scene 183
Reverse of Sc.48-49A-52. with lunar sky. Sunset

Scenes 48/ 49A and 52 are the sunrise scenes from the early part of the episode. It uses different lunar mountains to the earlier shots (logically, as the sun shouldn't set in the same position as it rises, but breaking some continuity because the Alphans are looking out the same Main Mission windows)

The Last Sunset
Sunset SFX footage

Original SFX footage of the sunset has the same lunar hills as the sunrise.