The Catacombs SFX Footage

The stock footage company Kinolibrary have put some of their SFX footage (formerly World Backgrounds) on YouTube. Here are some selected links.

1970s Satellite Moon Orbit, Space, 35mm

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0s Real Apollo Moon footage
45s-1m02s Breakaway Space Dock, Moon revolving. Dock moves right.

1970s Space Satellite Orbit, SFX, 35mm

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2s Breakaway Space Dock, Camera pans right.
18s Breakaway Space Dock and Earth, Lighting test.
34s Breakaway Space Dock and Terra Nova. 2 takes of 15 seconds each.
57s Breakaway Space Dock and Earth. 15 seconds

1970s Space SFX, Satellite And Planets, 35mm

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0s Dragon's Domain ultra probe.
16s Black Sun zoom towards nebula.
39s Ring Around The Moon orange ball in space.
58s Another Time, Another Place zoom to Earth and Moon. 25 seconds

1970s SFX Futuristic Space City, 35mm

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Journey To Where zoom to Texas City. 26 seconds.

Images copyright Martin Willey