The Catacombs SFX Footage

The stock footage company Kinolibrary have put some of their SFX footage (formerly World Backgrounds) on YouTube. Here are some selected links.

1970s Sci Fi Space SFX, 35mm

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0s Rules of Luton nebula
12s Space Warp nebula
51s Unused shot from Last Enemy (used in Message from Moonbase Alpha)

1970s Space Planets Special Effects 35mm

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0s Moon and Earth shot from Breakaway opening
27s Black Sun Moon moves from foreground, bottom of screen to distance at centre of screen.
48s Another Time, Another Place Earth, distant. Camera zooms into closer view.
1m07s Space Brain ending, moon moves through space
1m51s Another Time, Another Place Moon moves right to left (opening shot).
2m03s Collision Course planet; in the last few frames a small Moon appears from right.
2m27s Dark Moon and Earth shot from Breakaway opening (1 minute)

, Moon in space from various episode, planet from Collision Course

1970s Space SFX, Sun and Moon, 35mm

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0s The Last Enemy planet, sun moves in from left As used in Wonder Woman
30s Collision Course asteroid moves to moon

Planets, Solar System, 1970s Retro Space Graphics, 35mm

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0s The Last Enemy planets
29s The Last Enemy planets
1m29s The Last Enemy planet
1m58s The Last Enemy planets (with clapperboard)
2m30s The Last Enemy sun and planet
3m03s The Last Enemy planet and sun
3m30s The Last Enemy sun and planet, clapperboard

60s, 70s Space, Planets, Universe, Retro SFX in HD from 35mm

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0s Unused end credits Seen in "Calling International Rescue" by Fuzzbox.
17s Unused end credits
37s Unused end credits
59s Unused end credits. Seen in "Clouds Across the Moon" by the Rah Band.
1m23s The Last Enemy planets
1m45s Rules of Luton (Space Warp) nebula
2m06s Black Sun nebula (flopped from screen)
2m21s Force of Life starfield (opening shot) x 2
2m52s Force of Life starfield (final shot)
3m09s Dragon's Domain starfield
3m33s Last Enemy planet, pan to sun

1970s Space SFX, Galaxies and Stars, 35mm

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0s Space Brain nebula zoom.
22s End titles. 20 seconds.

Images copyright Martin Willey