The Catacombs SFX Footage

The stock footage company Kinolibrary have put some of their SFX footage (formerly World Backgrounds) on YouTube. Here are some selected links.

1970s Stars and Galaxies In Space, Planets, 35mm

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0s Black Sun nebula.
17s Collision Course nebula. Different takes, static (10s, 10s) and zoom shot (30s).

Moon and Earth in Space, 1970s Retro Special Effects, 35mm

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1s Another Time, Another Place Earth and Moon in space. Static (10s), zoom to Moon (4s), static (10s).

1970s Retro Smoke SFX, 35mm

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0s Space Brain.
24s Unknown smoke effects (1m15s)

1970s Moon and Galaxy Trippy Lights, SFX, 35mm

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0s Space Warp, Moon recedes into space warp, disappears. 3 takes, each 10s.
30s Space Warp, Spinning warp and Moon. Warp disappears, leaving Moon slowly receding. 2 takes, each 22s
1m23s Space Warp, Spinning stars and Moon, warp effect from right. Partial clapperboard at 1m25s

1970s Galaxy Space SFX, 35mm

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Nebula from Beta Cloud, Space Brain nebula zoom, flashing green light from Dorcons, )

0s The Beta Cloud nebula.
17s Space Brain nebula zoom.
46s The Dorcons flashing green light.
55s Titles Year 2 titles moon leaving orbit (with smooth path). 15 seconds

Space Explosion from 35mm

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This is an old video (2018) with lower resolution video (480px). The film includes the debris and smoke after the explosion.

0s Explosion.
32s Explosion.
55s Yellow explosion.
1m15s Explosion.
1m44s Explosion.
2m11s Breakaway Explosions on lunar surface. After, smoke rises. 40 seconds.
2m52s Explosion in space. Debris (burnt paper?) and smoke after. 20 seconds.
3m15s The Last Sunset. Eagle explodes, 8 seconds.

Images copyright Martin Willey