The Catacombs Catacombs Model Gallery

Tony Anholt and his son Christien

After the series, Tony Anholt gave his prop commlock and stun gun to his young son Christien as toys. In 2024, Christien bought the props to the London: 1999 convention. The props are a little battered from years of play (and probably took some battering in the studio during filming).

The Immunity Syndrome

This is the prop during filming of Immunity Syndrome (another prop was used for the "crushing"). Over the course of the series, the props took a lot of wear, and they would be refurbished with slightly different "button" labels, or replaced with a new prop; he is using a different prop in The Dorcons

The front face has a greener colour, probably from a bit of scribbling, but the rest is the original grey colour. The ID photo of Tony is sadly missing (the photos were stuck on). The metal end of the antenna is a little smaller than the Koenig commlock. Notably the screen hood at the top is angled to the side, not the back as it is usually is. Note in the episode picture, there is a small lip where the hood joins the body of the commlock, suggesting it was rotated for that shot.

Photos copyright Martin Willey