The Catacombs Production Guide
SFX Grids

These grids were used to position the multiple exposure shots. The camera viewfinder had a matching grid, so the cameraman would ensure spaceships and stars would not overlap.

Earthbound Earthbound

From Earthbound, the Eagles pursue the Kaldorian ship (scene 8), then hover as it descends (scene 11). Both have similar framing but the spaceships have different orientations, and the Eagles in each shot take different paths. In scene 8, the Eagles pursue the alien ship, crossing the frame fully from right to left. In scene 11, the alien ship is side on, as in the drawing, while the Eagles are top right, one moving up out of frame , the other moving slowly right. Barely visible, but there is briefly a double exposure on one of the stars passing through the Eagle that moves out of frame. There is also an ugly black mark which moves across the passenger module, too dark for a shadow.

This grid is used for both shots (the scene numbers are correct to the script). The Eagle sizes and positions are very different to the grid, and may have represented early footage that was re-shot.

The grid states "Shoot alien forwards" and "Shoot 2 Eagles in rev". Were the Eagles shot in reverse, perhaps because they wanted the end positions correct?

The Troubled Spirit The Infernal Machine

This is probably the title shot, scene 19, of The Troubled Spirit, shot in December 1974 (see SFX footage). The shot was used in many later episodes, often as an opening shot: Space Brain, The Infernal Machine, Dragon's Domain, The Exiles, Journey To Where and Brian The Brain. The Moon is a reversed photo cut-out of the real Moon, from an Apollo 11 photo taken on 22 July, 1969.


There were similar shots in other episodes, including the opening shot of Earthbound, but the Moon (another photograph of the real Moon) grows only slightly, not following the trajectory of the grid.

Year 1 end titles Unused year 1 end titles

A unknown space scene, possibly one of the end-titles shots (see here). The second shot here was unused.