The Catacombs The Continuity Guide
Moonbase Guide
by Martin Willey

Gustavsberg Salad Bowl

Gustavsberg salad bowl

Blue, yellow or brown cylindrical containers usually appeared in the Eagle passenger module (Black Sun, Missing Link, Guardian of Piri, Mission of the Darians, The Testament of Arkadia) or the year 1 living quarters (Koenig's quarters in Breakaway, Zoref's quarters in Force Of Life). Helena blasts one container in Alpha Child (note white tape holding lid in place!)

They are actually 1970s covered salad bowls designed by Swedish designer Sven-Eric Juhlin (born 1940) for Gustavberg. They have circular number stickers on top, so they presumably contain ambient space food. The salad bowl has a diameter of 22cm and its height is about 18.7cm. Thanks to Marcus Lindroos.

Another Time, Another Place Alpha Child Mission Of The Darians Breakaway

Copyright Martin Willey