The Catacombs Episode Guide
The Eagle Obsession Documentary (2025)

The Eagle Obsession (The Eagle Has Landed)

Eagle publicity shot

This is a documentary that will be written and presented by Jeffrey Morris, discussing the impact of Space: 1999's Eagle spaceship. It is not a Space: 1999 documentary- it focuses on the Eagle, space technology, and movie spaceship design.

It will released in 2025 (50 years after the debut of Space: 1999). Initial filming began at the Calgary convention, 27th April -1 May 2023 and at the Wonderfest 2023 model show.

The original title was "The Eagle Has Landed", but in 2024 it was renamed "The Eagle Obsession".

The official website is

A 12-minute preview video was released 17 Feb 2024 YouTube

Eagle Has Landed promo, September 2023

Title card from September 2023 promotional video

Wonderfest 2023

Filming at the Wonderfest model show, June 2023

Jeffrey Morris/ Futuredude

Jeffrey Morris, 2022

The film will be produced and presented by film maker Jeffrey Morris (FutureDude biography, Imdb). Based in Minneapolis , Minnesota, Morris was a dancer and video director, working with Prince in the 1990s, he later worked in science education and science fiction graphic novels and wrote and directed an animated short Parallel Man: Infinite Pursuit (2014) and the live action short Oceanus: Act One (2015). His science fiction film Persephone will be filmed in 2023 (website).

Morris has previously pitched concepts for rebooting Space: 1999 to ITV.


It will probably be available on a streaming service. The length will be approximately 90 minutes.

The documentary will have interviews with film and science professionals about the Eagle. It will include original footage of the Eagle with new scenes filmed with models and CGI (some early CGI footage has been published to the official website and the kickstarter page).

CGI Eagle in Eagle Has Landed promo, September 2023 Jeffrey Morris in Eagle Has Landed promo, September 2023 Kevin J Anderson in Eagle Has Landed promo, September 2023

It will also look at the historical context of real-like spacecraft like the Apollo missions, and real-life future missions such as Artemis.

Interviews will include effects and science fiction creators influenced by the Eagle, and scientists and astronauts inspired by the ship.

This is the structure from the kickstarter, September 2023

Johnson and Nick Allder

Other interviewees:

Nick Tate and Jamie Anderson were interviewed on a recreation of the Eagle command module set at Pinewood Studios (made by Makinarium UK, the Pinewood-based arm of an Italian special effects set and prop making company.


A Kickstarter (fund-raiser) was launched 13 September 2023 to raise money and promote the documentary. It was cancelled on 9 Oct 2023 (shortly before the end date of 13 October). Within 3 days it was 10% funded, with over 300 backers. When it closed it had made $135,455 out of the $500,000 goal, with 685 backers. This is a significant amount for a typical kickstarter, but less than the target. There is a possibility of a later kickstarter for the collectible book (see rewards below)

Depending on the amount, kickstarter donations could "buy" rewards. Each level had several items plus additional paid options. The full list was extensive, from $25 to $10,000, plus many options on each level. Among the rewards:


A indiegogo fund-raiser was started in 2024. The target this time was $50,000 with an end date of 26th March 2024. Unlike the kickstarter, the money was taken even if the target is not reached. Again there were rewards.

indiegogo only support credit card payments, not paypal.

$27,275 was raised (54%) with 153 backers.


Morris talked about the documentary in the Destination Moonbase Alpha convention (10 September 2022).
