The Catacombs Catacombs Model Gallery
Laser turret

The A B Chrysalis The A B Chrysalis The Seance Spectre The Seance Spectre

The laser turret seen in A B Chrysalis, Devil's Planet, and The Seance Spectre. It emerges from an enlarged section of the Eagle (a complete Eagle at the scale would be roughly 88 inches in length). We can't tell if it emerges from the front or back.

Eagle turret

The Eagle laser turret model, here in front of the Phoenix from Death's Other Dominion.

Pictures by Phil Rae.

Eagle turret Eagle turret Eagle turret Eagle turret Eagle turret

The Eagle turret with capsules from The Last Sunset.

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The Eagle laser turret again, with capsules from The Last Sunset: the original capsule, and two sizes of drone capsule. Also shown is a Moonbase forcefield tower (from Black Sun and other episodes- one of the larger sizes of this model), and a radar dish from Force Of Life.

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The same models, this time by the feet of the Kaldorian ship from Earthbound.

Copyright Martin Willey