The Catacombs The Production Guide
Script To Screen: The Full Circle
by Martin Willey

Script To Screen

Landau made three pages of notes about the script. These are notes about an earlier version of the script. Director Bob Kellett remembered rewriting the script to include location work; this must be the original Lasky-Silver script set mostly on Alpha. There are also additional pages of dialogue, which seem to be Koenig's final speech for the episode.

It's difficult to reconstruct much of the original plot from these comments. Rather than mist on the planet surface, there seems to be a time-warp between the planet and Alpha. Similar to the episode, an Alphan called "Santos" (Sandos in the episode) dies coming through the warp. We can assume, as in the episode, the Eagle is recovered by remote control, but from then on the episode diverges. In this script, the Eagle brings back a Rethan creature, who is first kept in Medical Centre.

Helena builds a rapport with the creature, and half way through the story she releases him. The creature is primitive but noble and sincere, apparently becoming popular on Alpha. At the end Koenig reflects on the violence of civilization versus the primitive simplicity of the Rethans.

The story seems to be a version of the "noble savage" archetype, the romantic ideal of a primitive man in harmony with nature, while "civilized" men (here, Alphans) were corrupted by material wealth, social status and predisposed to violence.

Notes on script "The Full Circle"

1. Pages 12+13. Going through timewarp enroute to planet should be dangerous - We accept the "pulling back" of Santos as creating the age too fast - it would add more drama up front!

Pages 12 and 13 are when Koenig and Helena explore the planet and fire the laser at the ferns.

2. Pages 28-30. After getting the creature back - I (Koenig) wouldn't leave Helena + Mathias alone with him in Med Center - it's too important an event + too dangerous -

I should be there, probably with Victor + 2 security men - create danger. Before scene ended set up + ??

Pages 28-30 are the first scenes in the cave, with nothing on Alpha. The "creature" is alive and dangerous.

3. Page 31. Bergman's first speech? Why will we leave orbit in 28 hours? Are we in orbit? When? How come? Drop the line with "orbit".

Just say "We have 28 hours!" - How will we leave orbit?

In the shooting script scene 35 (p8) Bergman says they have only 3 days before they are past Retha.

4. Page 31. Same note as 2 - Dangerous - Keep up the danger - this part of script is fascinating. Don't let it drop. It's alright that Mathias + Helena are alone in this scene ONLY if we see that is + say so on page #30. Set up lazer tranquillizer.

More mysterious danger in the Medical Centre, which doesn't happen in the episode.

Page 34. Releasing the Rethan is too rash + stupid a move - too impulsive. The laser thingy doesn't compensate.

If she does it, it should be out of a quiet moment, where she is appealed on a female level - does it without reflecting the event - eye contact - back + forth, docile response from the creature - she taunts him + does it - telling Mathias to beam laser at him. The Mathias resists - Helena orders him as senior Med officer - He reluctantly does so - Mathias orders security - not Helena.

Half way through the episode, and we are still on Alpha. The "creature" is in captivity in Medical, Helena has built up some trust with him. She releases him. Landau tries to rewrite the sequence to be more logical.

Page 45. After Victor says "Helena seems too anxious to succeed", Koenig says impulsively "I think she's in love-" then he realises what he's said- a beat of what he has said - then cut to Helena's lab. (JEALOUSY?) - TERRIFIC

Page 45- Koenig's 1st line is good - but it's a bigger thought with a history behind it- The creature at this moment in the script is a popular figure. A PRIMITIVE ROCK STAR IF YOU WILL

It's hard to determine what's going on in this version of Full Circle, but it's completely different to the episode. Landau likes it.

Koenig: Just as Helena was extending his primitive simplicity - his animal instincts - HIS BASIC PURITY - on one level (well - so am I - on a totally different level = perhaps we can rectify some of the wrongs (on our earth) on Retha --- It was only our arrival that created the violence - Civilization intune? on their natures! But can we be uncivilized enough to live harmoniously with them -? - I don't think so --- + that's why I'm doing what I am = ! then:

This is a statement of the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Whether the script developed these ideas or kept them at a simplistic level is unknown. This is almost the exact opposite to the cavemen seen in the finished episode, conforming to the Hobbesian life of savages, "nasty, brutish and short". Without language they are cruel animals, capable only of violence and basic emotions.

That planet could have been the one. We were aggressive - foolishly aggressive.
Were we? We did nothing -
Right! Nothing ....
Page 28 hard to grasp things so close to your fingertips- That planet could have been the answer - That planet could have held the answers to our problems -
No John - We didn't have the right questions-

These are fragments written on other sheets of paper. They may not actually be for this episode. The script for War Games was being developed (it would be published on 15th October), and the sentiments here suggest versions of the ending of that episode. Possibly the rejected ideas for Full Circle would be recycled to use in War Games.

Copyright Martin Willey