Catacombs The Conventions
Calgary 2023

Calgary 2023
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
27th April- 1st May 2023

Eagle 3

This is the third 44 inch Eagle model, built by Derek Freeborn Associates for year 2. It has been rarely seen in public since 1981, and is now in the collection of Darren Peters.

Below the 44 inch Eagle appears with the original 11 inch Eagle (from the collection of David Hirsch). The Eagle was built in several sizes, depending on how close the camera could get. The main sizes were 44 inch long (there were 3 Eagles this size), 22 inch and 11 inch (only one of each size was used, although a second of each scale was used for very limited number of shots). The 11 inch Eagle here was seen in the end credits of every single episode.

The front and end bars of the spine have black tape. The wires which lifted the Eagle from the launch pad were attached here, and the tape disguises them.

The passenger module is the one used from Immunity Syndrome (when the Eagle carried the re-entry glider). See more Eagle pods.