A large dictation machine that is used by Dr Russell. The subtitle label says "Computer System ALR/5 BR33". The number of buttons, dials and leads suggests this performs several functions in addition to medical dictation. A version of the log recorder (without the label) appears as a medical monitor on an Eagle in All That Glisters. The series correctly predicted that speech recognition would be popular with medical practitioners (although they usually run on standard PCs, perhaps with a handheld digital recorder).
The Log Recorder is wheeled round on a trolley. It is usually found in Medical Centre, but may also be in Dr Russell's quarters or Command Center.
It is seen in The Metamorph, The Exiles, One Moment Of Humanity, All That Glisters (slightly redressed), The Mark Of Archanon, Brian The Brain, The Beta Cloud, Space Warp, The Lambda Factor.
It is based on an Advance OS250 10MHZ dual channel oscilloscope; the hardboard covering it has holes cut for the dials and switches. It has a 10cm x 8cm display. Thanks to James Cotton.
All That Glisters, redressed so the "Alpha Log Recorder" text is concealed. Here it is used as a medical monitor.
Altered Log Recorder later in The Mark Of Archanon
Brian The Brain, unusually in Command Center
Brian The Brain: yellow wheels are attractive to other computers
The Beta Cloud. The Log Recorder has a number of small changes. In the keypad on the right, the bottom left button (the only white button) has fallen off. Next time we see it, there's a black button there. On the left hand side, by the screen, there was a small red label. Now it's a commlock ID plate (without photo).
The Lambda Factor. In it's last two appearances, we couldn't see much below the screen. Here we see another change, on the left a little below the screen. A small black dial (best seen in The Mark Of Archanon) has been replaced by an orange patch.
Copyright Martin Willey