The Catacombs The Merchandise Guide
Novels Guide
Compiled by Martin Willey

PLANETS OF PERIL by Michael Butterworth

Star cover Allan Wingate Apex volume 1 2019

In the adaption of The Metamorph, Butterworth introduces the characters of Simon Hays, and chief pilot Mark Macinlock. These characters were renamed in later versions of the script to Tony Verdeschi and Alan Carter. Verdeschi appears later while Koenig and the other are on the planet; Carter first appears in the second story.

Star: (not numbered) ISBN 0 352 39666 0 Jan 1977 ; 60p (Aus $2.20, NZ $2.05, Mlta 65c)
Allan Wingate (hardback, not numbered) ISBN 85523 411 3 Sep 1977
Warner: (nbr 1) ISBN 0 446 88341-7 1977 ; $1.50
Mikasa Novels (Japan): 恐怖の惑星脱出! ("Escape the Horror Planet!") Translated by Masao Mitani
15 May 1977. 248 pages.
Bastei: (nbr 25 001) "Alpha 1- Station der Verlorenen" ("Alpha 1- The Lost Station")
ISBN 3 404 00752 2
1977; DM 3,80 Translation by Dr Ingrid Rothmann
Apex Compilation: "Mondstation 1999, Band 1" ("Space:1999 Volume 1")
ISBN 978-3-7487-2049-2 (and other editions)
November 2019
Revised in Space: 1999 Year Two (Powys; 2006)
Star (UK) edition


Having passed through a space warp, the Breakaway Moon is plunged ever deeper into the unknown, distantly removed in time and space from its home planet Earth. With their life support system in danger, Moon Base Alpha personnel mount a desperate search for Tiranium, the precious mineral essential to their survival.

Their search takes them to the planet Psychon where they fall into the ruthless hands of its despotic ruler, Mentor. Then at last release comes from an unexpected quarter - Mentor's beautiful and rebellious daughter, Maya. Her phenomenal grasp of mental arithmetic and her ability to change shape at will make her a valuable addition to the Alphan team. And on their return to Moon Base Alpha, she soon encounters the first of the constant hazards that threaten Alphan life ...

Warner (US) edition


imperil the courageous men and women of Moonbase Alpha as they travel through space and time. Their planetary spaceship is moving helplessly toward the planet Chrysalis-home of the chlorine-breathing Masters. Now in the sleep stage of their complex life cycle, the Masters use their protection system to emit shock waves. Unless the Masters can be made to reduce the intensity of the waves, Moonbase Alpha is doomed...

Allan Wingate (UK) flyleaf

From a modern master of Science Fantasy comes a stunning new novel based on the successful television series, Space 1999.

Having passed through a space warp, the Breakaway Moon is plunged ever deeper into the unknown, distantly removed in time and space from its home planet Earth. With their life support system in danger. Moon Base Alpha personnel mount a desperate search for Tiranium, the precious mineral essential to their survival.

Their search takes them to the planet Psychon where they fall into the ruthless hands of its despotic ruler. Mentor. Then at last, release comes from an unexpected quarter - Mentor's beautiful and rebellious daughter, Maya. Her phenomenal grasp of mental arithmetic and her ability to change shape at will make her a valuable addition to the Alphan team. And on their return to Moon Base Alpha, she soon encounters the first of the constant hazards that threaten Alphan life...

Bastei (German) edition

In der Zentrale von Mondbasis Alpha 1 starrte Commander John Koenig entsetzt auf den wandgroßen Sichtschirm. Von der Oberfläche des geheimnisvollen Planeten Psychon Stieg eine weißleuchtende Energiekugel mit phänomenaler Geschwindigkeit in die Höhe. Entsetzt dachte Koenig an Torens und Fraser, die beiden Piloten des Scout-Bootes Eagle Eins.
Der Eagle lag genau auf dem Kurs des Energieballes!
»Commander — das Ding rast genau auf uns zu!« klang Frasers heisere Stimme aus dem Lautsprecher in der Kommando-Zentrale.
Hilflos saß John Koenig in seinem Kontursessel.
»Macht, daß ihr wegkommt!« brüllte er verzweifelt. »Weicht aus! Verdammt ...«
Seine Stimme erstarb.
Ein weißer Blitz zuckte über den Sichtschirm, tauchte alles in grelles Licht und schien Koenig die Augen aus dem Kopf zu brennen.
Dann herrschte Stille.
Eagle Eins sendete nicht mehr ...

At the headquarters of Moon Base Alpha, Commander John Koenig stared in horror at the wall-sized screen. From the surface of the mysterious planet Psychon, a white glowing energy ball rose at phenomenal speed. Koenig thought in horror of Torens and Fraser, the two pilots of the scout ship Eagle One.
The Eagle was exactly on the course of the energy ball!
"Commander - this thing is hurtling towards us!" came Fraser's hoarse voice from the loudspeaker in the command center.
John Koenig sat helplessly in his chair.
"Make sure you get away!" He roared desperately. "Dodge it! Damn it ..."
His voice died.
A white flash of lightning flashed over the screen, bathed everything in bright light and seemed to burn Koenig's eyes out of his head.
Then there was silence.
Eagle One stopped broadcasting ...

Mikasa (Japanese) edition

1999年ーーすでに原子力の時代に入っていた人類は、核燃料の廃棄物を 月に捨てた。それはやがて、一連の核融合爆発をひき起こした。軌道を大 きく逸した月は、宇宙のひずみをつらぬき、逢か母なる惑星地球の時空を 越え、未知の宇宙へと突入していった。死の危機に直面した月面基地アル ファでは、彼らの生命維持に不可欠な鉱物・チラニウムを求めて、必死の 亥にのりだした。やがて彼らは、未知の惑星サイコンに逢着するが、そこ は暴君メンターの支配する星であった。超人の頭脳と変幻自在の分子変態 をあわせもつメンターの愛娘マヤとの運命的な出会い……。


1999- Mankind, already in the nuclear age, dumped nuclear fuel waste into the moon. It eventually caused a series of fusion explosions. The moon was lost from its orbit, escaped through a warp of the universe, crossed from the space-time of the mother planet Earth, and rushed into an unknown universe. At the lunar base Alpha, facing the deadly crisis, they desperately set out for the mineral Tranium, essential for their life support. Eventually, they met the unknown planet Psychon, which was ruled by the tyrant Mentor. A fateful encounter with Maya, the mentor's beloved daughter, who has both superhuman brains and molecular transformations that allow her to transform.

A thrilling and romantic sci-fi masterpiece that unfolds in the epic universe!

Copyright Martin Willey
