The Catacombs The Merchandise Guide
Compiled by Martin Willey

ICE LOLLY (Lyons Maid)

The Lyons Maid Space: 1999 ice lolly was introduced in 1976, in time for a record-breaking summer heatwave.

In 1976, each ice lolly came with a card, 7.5 x 4.5 cm, with crude art based on a photo on one side, with a description on the back. There were 25 cards in set. From 1977 onwards, the cards were no longer included (the package merely stated "As seen on TV" with text or a picture strip on the back of the wrapper).

The pictures are all based closely on publicity shots. The uniforms become bright orange, and the small size means the art is a little crude. The card backs usually have an episode title and summary ; the text is based on ITC publicity, and the summaries often include the ending. Several episodes have 2 cards (Breakaway, Earthbound plus a third with art from the episode, Another Time, Another Place, Mission of the Darians, Dragon's Domain). Although The Infernal Machine is summarised, the art is a different episode.

The episode title and art are not always correct.

Although there are some pristine sets in existence, some cards were stained by the lolly, and a proportion were inaccurately cut, losing some of the margin. In a few cases the colour layers are offset slightly, although this isn't obvious on the small card.

Commander John Koenig
John Koenig, a graduate of United Federation of Earth States Space Academy, is Commander of the Deep Space Probe Mission Meta to be launched from Moonbase Alpha. When the accident occurs which tips the moon from its orbit around Earth and launches it on its hazardous voyage through space John Koenig embarks on one of the most fantastic and dangerous missions ever undertaken by man.
The text states Koenig was to be the commander of the Meta Probe mission (also mentioned on card 23). In Breakaway he was assigned command of the Moonbase, to ensure the launch to Meta, not to be part of the Meta crew.
Dr. Helena Russell
Helena Russell, Doctor of Terrestrial and Space Medicine, is investigating the mysterious illness striking down the astronauts on Moonbase Alpha when the fantastic voyage begins. All her medical skill and knowledge will be needed for this man's greatest adventure.
Professor Bergman
Victor Bergman is the Chief Scientific Officer on Moonbase Alpha, but nothing in his training or experience can equal the dangers or test of his skill and knowledge that the Moonbase adventure will throw in his path.
Nuclear Disposal Area 2
One of the dumping grounds for the atomic waste from Earth's Nuclear Power Stations N.D.A. 2 has more than 30,000 tons of highly active Nuclear waste stored in stainless nimonic 90 alloy tanks cased in 12" thick marganuse reinforced concrete silos.
Some unusual details on the nuclear waste dumps, including that they are made of Nimonic 90 (a real nickel alloy developed in the UK in 1945 and used on the 1947 Bristol Proteus gas turbine engine).
An Eagle Investigates
An Eagle Space Craft slowly and gently approaches an alien space ship. Probing with its scanners from behind its defensive forcefield shields the Eagle's many delicate electronic systems are alert for signals, signs of life, attempts to communicate by of sub-ether, direct transmission or for any form of attack.
The Infernal Machine
A huge spaceship appears over Moonbase, and a voice appeals for help and requests permission to land. Koenig. Dr. Russell and Bergman enter the machine and find an ancient man called 'Companion', who addresses the voice as 'Gwent'. It appears that Gwent is the spaceship, a living machine When Companion dies, the machine is beside itself with grief. It decides that Koenig and Dr. Russell must take Companion's place. Koenig finds out that Gwent was built by a scientist as an extension of himself, combined with a computer's brain. A battle of wits is launched between the Alphans and Gwent.
Art is actually Mission of the Darians
Dragons Domain
Experts refuse to believe astronaut Tony Cellini's story of a spaceship graveyard, and his encounter with a terrifying monster which inhabits it. When he steals an Eagle, and sets out on a mission to prove his sanity and avenge the death of his crew, he is pursued by Koenig and others from Moonbase. Although their instruments register no life forms other than Cellini, on entering the wrecked spaceship they find Cellini fighting a hideous creature and eventually destroyed by it. Koenig decides to finish the job.
Captain Zantor is the leader of a craw of six aliens who crash land on the moon. They have been in suspended animation for three and a half centuries of Earth time, and are travelling to Earth because their own planet is dying. One of the crew dies before she can be re-animated and it is decided that someone from Alpha should take her place on the Kaldorian spaceship, on their trip to Earth. Commissioner Simmonds breaks into the Power Station and threatens to blow up Alpha unless he is allowed to go.
Mission of the Darians
The colossal spaceship Daria is inhabited by people who set out nine hundred years before because their own planet was dying. After a nuclear disaster early on the voyage, an emergency signal is triggered off Dr. Russell, Professor Bergman and three others set out on a mercy mission. They find only 14 true Darians left, but in another part of the spaceship are descendants of the disaster survivors, savage, mutant creatures. Koenig realises that the rescue party is in deadly peril.
Art is actually The Last Enemy
Full Circle
A seven-man landing party fails to return from the planet Retha. Their Eagle. brought back by remote control is empty but for the body of a stone-age man. A Full-scale rescue is ordered, led by Koenig. Strange events follow, in which Moonbase members come face to face with what appear to be their companions, in the form of cave-dwellers. The centuries have rolled back through a time warp of 40,000 years.
Another Time Another Place
In order to discover whether another world is habitable a portable laboratory is brought from Moonbase. Professor Bergman must make a detailed study of the structure of plant and animal life, plus geological and atmospheric features, before an evacuation to the planet can be considered.
Ring around the Moon
This is a spacesuit, basically similar to those worn in the 1970s, but developed over the years to a high degree of sophistication. Light and flexible, it allows a great deal of mobility. Warmth and pressure can be controlled by the light, compact power pack worn on the chest.
Art is actually Alpha Child
Dragons Domain
The Eagle spaceship plays a vital part in the smooth-running and defence of Moonbase Alpha. The control panel has, by 1999, developed to a high degree of sophistication, and is computer-designed for maximum efficiency and comfort.
Text describes the Eagle controls, but the art shows the Ultra Probe controls.
Space Brain
Alpha encounters a strange unidentified mass. Terrifying things begin to happen and, when an Eagle is destroyed, astronauts Carter and Kelly go out to investigate. After Kelly is caught up in a glutinous, foaming substance, it becomes clear that his brain has been taken over by the alien force. Through hum the computer is receiving and transmitting messages at fantastic speed. At last it is realised that the space- brain is not aggressive, it is trying to defend itself. All it wants is for the moon to be diverted from its collision course. An Eagle has already been sent, loaded with a nuclear charge, but the 'brain' has turned the ship, and it is heading for Alpha!
Mission of Darians
The colossal spaceship Daria is inhabited by two different types of humanoid - 14 true Darians and the descendants of the survivors of a nuclear accident many years before. The savage mutant creatures worship in a shrine dominated by a picture of their god. Unsuspectingly, a mercy flight from Alpha answers a call for help from the Daria.
Another Time Another Place
The moon is lashed by a terrifying disturbance, in which it dissolves into a duplicate of itself. Moonbase Alpha personnel also form into double images. They have travelled millions of miles in seconds. Miraculously they find themselves back in earth orbit. On landing on the Earth, they find themselves face to face with their other selves, their future selves.
Six aliens crash land on the moon, laid out like dummies in transparent caskets. Assuming them to be dead. Koenig forces open one of the caskets. The body of a beautiful woman inside is immediately reduced to ashes. The Tops of the other caskets then slide open and the five figures slowly awaken.
The Eagle is a versatile machine designed for work on the moon's surface and for relatively short-distance space travel. It has a detachable. interchangeable central section, and the nose-cone is also detachable and designed for docking with most other Earth-made space vehicles. The Eagle can be armed for defence.
Force of Life
Technician Anton Zoref comes into contact with a strange ball of blue light which comes out of the sky. Afterwards anyone who comes into contact with him is frozen stilt, as the alien force which possesses him absorbs energy. He is driven mad by his need for heat, and when he is shot by a laser gun, he falls, charred to the bone. The laser regenerated the force within him, and he rises and forces open the door to the generating area. A Massive explosion occurs, and from it rises a comet of blue light which heads out into space.
Matter of Life and Death
Dr. Russell has believed herself to be a widow since her husband, Lee, disappeared on a space mission, But now, he arrives on the Moon in a spaceship which has been probing the planet Terra Nova. He records no life, no body heat, yet his heart is beating. When he regains consciousness he warns them not to go to the planet and then dies. Commander Koenig decides to go ahead with the landing, taking Dr. Russell with him to a strange, strange world....
Reconnaissance Ships
On Moonbase Alpha a team of astronauts are constantly engaged in the repair and maintenance of Eagle spaceships and the construction of new Eagles to replace those destroyed by attack or accident. A constant number of Eagle and reconnaissance 'B' type ships must be maintained, as they are Moonbase Alpha's main means of defence and gathering intelligence.
Nuclear waste has been buried in storage containers on the Moon. It is discovered that disposal area 1 has been subject to a magnetic subsurface fire storm. The same phenomenon occurs in N.D.A. 2. Disaster strikes when personnel from Moonbase Alpha check N.D.A. 2. A huge nuclear explosion rocks the Moon so violently that it is tipped off its orbit. It is the beginning of mankind's most fantastic adventure....
Moonbase Alpha is Earth's space research centre on the Moon, the future launching site of the Deep Space Probe to explore the planet Meta. Commander John Koenig was to have been the Commander of the mission, but after the explosion in N.D.A. 2, blasts the moon out of its orbit, he takes charge of Moonbase Alpha on its voyage through space.
War Games
Moonbase Alpha is attacked, 129 of its crew killed. Moonbase is no longer habitable. Commander Koenig and Dr. Russell set off in an Eagle to plead with the attackers for space for the survivors on their planet. The aliens refuse and when Koenig moves to the attack, he is killed. Dr. Russell finds she has the power to bring him back to life and return both of them to Moonbase Alpha. Back on Alpha everything is normal again except that the attack which has just taken place appears to be beginning again.
Testament of Arkadia
The Moon suddenly comes to a halt. Power dwindles and it is obvious that Moonbase Alpha cannot survive for more than a few days. The only explanation for the phenomena is some form of interference beamed from an alien planet close by. Commander Koenig organises a landing party. They find that the planet once living is now dead. They discover a cave containing what appears to be human skeletons and wall-writing identified as an early form of English. It is a message saying that Arkadia lives on with those who left in time taking the seeds of a new beginning. Human life on earth originated on this strange planet. One couple from the landing party decide to stay on Arkadia and the Moon is released from its influence. but life has been brought back to the planet.
The cave writing is "an early form of English" rather than Sanskrit (technically it is related to an early form of all Indo-European languages).

Copyright Martin Willey