This pod has lateral boosters. Many of its appearances have continuity errors, as supposedly the same Eagle has standard transporter pods in other shots. It is seen in the end credits of every episode.
In the Eagle hangar in The Metamorph (also seen in The Exiles (in a brief clip cut from The Metamorph)
The last shot of Eagle 24 in Guardian Of Piri (previously it had a standard pod; another booster pod is seen being raised on a launch pad and lifting off in the exodus).
Voyager's Return (seen being raised on a launch pad in a full view of the Moonbase- subsequently all the Eagles have standard pods)
Close up of the top of the pod, from The Metamorph
Views from The Metamorph
Publicity shot from The Metamorph
All That Glisters, just before the one shot where it transforms into a standard transporter pod.
The exterior door as seen in All That Glisters. The inside set is elongated, but otherwise a standard passenger module.
Seed Of Destruction (Eagle 1 during launch- later shots all show a standard pod)
The A B Chrysalis: three small Eagles with booster pods seen in a mass shot
Shot for Space Warp, this shot was seen in The Seance Spectre. In the centre distance is an unattached pod.
Eagle 4 in The Immunity Syndrome. In a few shots a standard pod is seen.
Copyright Martin Willey