The Catacombs Catacombs Model Gallery
Space City

Between 1977 and 1981, almost all the models, props, costumes and drawings left from Space 1999 were displayed in an exhibition called Space City, in Blackpool, UK. These photos were taken by Andrew Kerr

Eagle 3 with booster pod. The Moonbase photo cut-out is original to filming.

The glider from The Immunity Syndrome. Above is the large Ultra Probe from Dragon's Domain. To the left is the Croton ship from Dorzak, and beyond is the SS Emporium, from The Taybor

Laser tanks from The Infernal Machine. The lunar buildings are from the Jif advert.

Texas City buildings from Journey To Where and a tower from Devil's Planet. The Moon from the series is huge. Also seen in the first photo is the Delta space station from Into Infinity, which was revamped from the SS Daria, from Mission Of The Darians.

Maya and Mentor costumes from The Metamorph, Brian from Brian The Brain, and an Entran huntress from Devil's Planet. They stand in front of the Command Center computers, with a desk. You can just see another mannequin (make up is Zantor from Earthbound, the costume is Zoran from Immunity Syndrome).

Some of the original art from Look-In comic, plus model kit boxes.

Props designed by Keith Wilson and Mike Ford, and art by Emma Porteous for Barbara Bain's costume, with photos of them in the episodes. These were behind glass, hence the camera flash.

These photos were large transparencies lit from behind; you pressed a button to light them up.

Images copyright Andrew Kerr