The Catacombs Catacombs Credits Guide
Guest Cast


Links to Internet Movie Database

Albin Pahernik
The A B Chrysalis
Maya creatures New Adam New Eve
The A B Chrysalis
Seed Of Destruction
The Beta Cloud
The Bringers Of Wonder part 1
A professional dancer, now living in Australia. Arabian Adventure (1979), Absolute Beginners (1986), Evita (1996), Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Gerard Paquis
The Metamorph
Lew Picard Metamorph French actor who appeared in a number of UK TV guest roles in the mid-70s. Colditz (1974), The Onedin Line (1976), Shout At The Devil (1976), Aces High (1976)
Rhonda Parker
Kaldorian (dies in casket) Earthbound Born 1947, Australia
Tall 6 foot tall model. Regular in The Avengers (as "Rhonda", 18 episodes, 1968-1969)
Alibe Parsons
The Dorcons
Alibe Devil's Planet, Immunity Syndrome, Dorcons See main entry
Hamish Patrick
The Dorcons
Command Center Alphan Dorcons Appeared in a number of episodes of the UK soap "Crossroads" in 1978.
Nigel Pegram
The Seance Spectre
Cernik Seance Spectre Born 1940 in South Africa. Tomorrow People (1974), Lovejoy (1992)
Robert Phillips
Another Time, Another Place
Main Mission Operative Ring Around The Moon
Another Time, Another Place
Missing Link
The Last Sunset
Voyager's Return
Death's Other Dominion
The Full Circle
No further details known.
Valerie Phillips
Mission Of The Darians
Darian survivor Mission of the Darians Fall of Eagles (1974), Within These Walls (1977), Liver Birds (1977), The Onedin Line (1979), Casualty (1990), Holby City (1999). aveleyman
Quentin Pierre
Brian The Brain
Security Guard Quinton Year 1 and Year 2 Stormtrooper stunts for Star Wars (1977, for which he had to arrange around his commitments to Space: 1999), stand in for Billy Williams and Bespin Guard in The Empire Strikes Back (1980), a Royal Guard in Return Of The Jedi (1983). He acted in Danny The Dog (2005), but has most often worked as personal assistant to Morgan Freeman in many films from 1993+ including Seven (1995), Amistad (1997), Million Dollar Baby (2004), Batman Begins (2005), The Dark Knight (2008).
Below picture by Chris Dale, 2007:
Quintin Pierre
Dennis Plenty
The Dorcons
Medic/ Guard The AB Chrysalis
The Dorcons
Born 1932, died 2016. Original wardrobe tests for stormtrooper armour for Star Wars (1977); numerous Dr Who (1966-1976), Dixon of Dock Green (several, 1969-1971), UFO (several episodes, 1970), The Persuaders! (1971), Doomwatch (1972), Moonbase 3 (1973), Fawlty Towers (1975) aveleyman
Terry Plummer
Terry Plummer in Mission of the Darians
Survivor Mission of the Darians Born 1936, died 2011. Stuntman, often credited as Terry or Terence. Goldfinger (1964), many episodes of The Saint (1967-1969) and The Avengers (1967-1969), The Protectors (1973), Man with the Golden Gun (1974), The New Avengers (1976), The Eagle Has Landed (1976), The Spy Who Loved Me (1977), Batman (1989), Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) aveleyman,
Peter Pocock
Collision Course
Balcony Alphan Collision Course Born 1934, died 2007. Stuntman, often involving horse riding, as in Goldfinger (1964). Dr Who (1966, 1976); When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (1970), Young Winston (1972), Superman (1978).
Peter Porteous
The Exiles
Petrov Metamorph, Exiles, Space Warp Born 1930, died 2005. See main entry
Dinny Powell
Space Warp
Psychon Space Warp Born 1932 as Dennis Powell. The stuntman worked on many Bond films from Dr No (1962), doubling for Connery on From Russia With Love (1963) onwards with his brother Nosher. Other films include Brazil (1985), Lifeforce (1985), Willow (1988), Robin Hood Prince of Thieves (1991), Mission: Impossible (1996), The Mummy (1999), The Mummy Returns (2001), Finding Neverland (2004). On TV he worked on The Prisoner (1967), The Avengers (1967), The Champions (1968), Dr Who (1971 and 1975), Blakes 7 (1979), EastEnders (1984), Red Dwarf (1993), and the Sharpe series (1994-96). When not doing stunts, he toured the country with his brother performing jousting tournaments. Thanks to Fergus.
Giancarlo Prete
The Troubled Spirit
Dr. Dan Mateo Troubled Spirit Born 1942, died 2001. Italian actor with many Italian films. Some US/British TV: Return Of the Saint (1979), War and Remembrance (1988), and film: Ladyhawke (1984). In 1973, he was cast in Space: 1999as chief pilot Alphonse Catani, but could not be released from an Italian film in time to start in November.
Brendan Price
Catacombs Of The Moon
Security Guard (Morgan) Catacombs of the Moon Born 1947. Patrick Mower's sidekick in Target (1977-1978). Dr Who (The Face of Evil, 1977), Robin of Sherwood (1986), Emmerdale Farm (1993-1995)
Charlie Price
The Exiles, Anthony Blackett left, Charlie Price right
Astronaut Darren
The Exiles
Journey to Where
The AB Chrysalis
Born 1920, died 2004. The Quatermass Xperiment (1955), Quatermass II (1955), Danger Man (1960, 1961), The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961), Thunderball (1965), The Prisoner (1967), When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (1970), Brannigan (1975), The New Avengers (1976), Octopussy (1983). aveleyman
Journey To Where
Price is second right, by Barbara Bain.
Penny Priestley
The Taybor
Solarium Girl/Gift Exchange (short dark hair) The Taybor Miss Brighton 1973 and nude magazine model
David Prowse
The Beta Cloud
Cloud Creature Beta Cloud born 1935. 6 foot 7, 240lbs.
British Weightlifting Champion 1962-1964. Mostly known as Darth Vader in the 3 Star Wars films (1977, 1980, 1983), and, in Britain, as the Green Cross Code Man in road safety commercials. Film: Casino Royale (1967), The Horror Of Frankenstein (1970), Clockwork Orange (1971), Frankenstein and the Monster From Hell (1973). TV: Dr Who (1972), Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy (1981). He was a guest at several Space: 1999 conventions, in 1978, 1980 and Fanderson 90 (1990). He died 2020.
The Beta Cloud The Beta Cloud

Copyright Martin Willey
